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Our Beliefs

New Life Drama Company (NLDC) is sold out to the truth that God loves His people, gave Himself for them, and has given His Church a mission to bring that truth & hope to their communities. The mission of NLDC is to equip and release passionate ministers  who use their talents and skills for God-pleasing transformation.

Jesus Is The Only Way

There is one God in three personalities; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus is the only way and that we are not only "sinners saved by grace" but we share His sonship and boldly claim all that He offers. Because of this we have a burning desire to save those in darkness, adding to His kingdom daily. 

Kingdom Advancement

We believe everyone is called to advance the Kingdom and that everyone has a role to play. We proactively love on the lost for the sole purpose of salvation. 

Gifts Keeps On Giving

We believe that all gifts are alive and active and that we are to desire and grow in them. We teach biblical conduct in using the gifts of prophecy, tongues, miracles, and healing. 

God's Word Transforms Us

The Bible is the infallible Word of God and our faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word. We press the importance of the study of scripture as it is our main communication device to our Father. We are changed when we actively read His Word.   

We Are Called To Be Set Apart

We are invited to be holy as He is holy: being set apart. We are in the world and not of it. We uphold a kingdom mindset of purity and righteousness in works, speech, and relationships. 

We Love The Church

We believe that the church is God's plan "A". We know statistically the church is under attack and many pastors are abandoning their flocks in droves. Our heart is broken and we come to partner with the any and every local church/ pastor to uplift, encourage and reenergize in a unique way. 



If you have a young person who you believe would benefit from this type of training please have them contact us.

Our Passion

When we began as a ministry back in 1983 our heart was to make a difference in our world through the art of drama. We were inspired by the power and influence drama had on people and knew that we could use it to lift up the name of Jesus and tell people the story of redemption. We have grown over the years and now realize that there is much more to the Ministry of New Life Drama Company than just presenting the message of life change. Here is our heart for you and your ministry.

Evangelizing to the World

Drama is an opportunity to present the love, healing and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to a hurting and seeking people. Our teams are equipped to minister to the unsaved in a variety of ways. Our ways of evangelism include but are not limited to distributing flyers throughout your community, street ministry, evangelical church events, revivals, and church services. Each year our teams lead over 2000 people to Jesus just in Sunday and midweek services!

Edifying the Church

With over 30 years of experience, NLDC has ministered in over 600 churches a year to congregations of all denominations, shapes and sizes. Seeing a dramatic presentation invites your congregation into the personal lives of the characters they are watching. This gives each person an opportunity to relate to the characters and their situations and it also confronts them with the challenges associated with living the Christian life. It’s bringing to life this kind of personal application of the Bible that causes change in the hearts and minds of those watching. It is easy to laugh at yourself in a skit and feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit as he works to bring real transformation. Our skits are full of Biblical truths because we believe the Word of God has the power to change our hearts. Our skits Edify, Exhort, and comfort and whether they create laughter or tears the goal is to open the heart so that the onlooker can experience God. We also do Drama workshops to help churches train up their own teams to do drama. Ask about our workshops.

Encouraging the Pastor

Pastors and ministry leaders have their hands full. We recognize that many churches do not have the resources or staff necessary to get everything done. That's why we come as a ministry of helps. We are willing to work on church projects, outreaches, and just about anything that will bring a blessing to a local ministry leader. Not only will we give you a weekend or Wednesday off from sermon prep, but we will provide energized hands to get things done with a servant heart. The team will leave you inspired, encouraged, and hopefully reinvigorated for the most important task you own, being pastor.You are important and when we support you, we feel we are supporting Gods vision for your community. Our motto is “many hands make light work” and that motto is echoed at each church we are allowed to serve in this capacity.

Equipping the Next Gen

Since 1983, New Life Drama Company has trained hundreds of young people to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ through sketch drama and other various forms of ministry. Many of these people have become pastors, youth pastors, evangelists, children’s ministers and even missionaries.NLDC is a training program to all students who join the ministry. Whether it’s for a one year adventure or three years of intense ministerial training, this program is far different from any Bible school or teen ministry. Our purpose is to equip young people to live a Christ-filled life. We do this through ministry, practical hands-on experience and a thorough studies of Biblical and ministerial principals. Our goal when a student leaves is for them to understand their purpose in life. And maintain their relationship with the Lord to see fulfill that purpose.


Financial commitments for church services, special events, camps, cancellation and booking fees.


Our core values that our teams hold, living them out during their time of ministry at your church or event. 


The several ways NLDC comes to serve your church or event. 

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